Our Beliefs

In order to be accountable to one another and the public at large this Statement of Faith identifies what we as “Baptists” subscribe to with regard our beliefs.

You may find in it many terms that some consider being “theological jargon”. Should you require further explanation use the contact us page and let us know what is confusing. We would count it a privilege to assist.

We believe that the BIBLE is the inspired word of God and we are willing to read it often and submit to its supreme authority in all matters.

We believe that there is one GOD in three Divine Persons; the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. He is the Creator and Sustainer of the Universe. He is the Holy God, present everywhere, all powerful, all knowing, all loving. We desire to know God in all His fullness and to please Him in all that we do. We endeavour to walk with God throughout the week, and worship Him together at the commencement of each week.

We believe that MANKIND is sinful and cannot know or please God except through the grace of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. His sacrificial death on behalf of all men is the only basis for salvation. Only by trusting in Him and turning from sin can we be forgiven and be delivered from the power, penalty and presence of sin. Those who accept His grace are to testify to it by being baptised by immersion subsequent to their conversion, and then partake regularly of the Lord’s Supper to remind them of Christ’s sacrifice for them. Those who reject His grace will be consigned to hell, the place of everlasting punishment.

We believe that the LORD JESUS CHRIST lived, died and rose again according to the Scriptures and has ascended to heaven as ruler of the Universe. He is the Head of the Church and will return soon for His bride and we shall remain in the assembly of His people to prepare for His coming by living holy lives.

We believe that the HOLY SPIRIT is present on earth to reveal to people their need of the Saviour; to regenerate them at conversion; to transform and renew the life of each believer and the life and ministry of the Church. The Holy Spirit desires to guide, empower, and equip us with spiritual gifts to do the will of God. We have received the Holy Spirit and desire to be continually filled by Him in order to be a blessing to others and to give glory to God.

We believe that satan is real and responsible for the evil in this world. Satan is the enemy of God and of the children of God, but he has been defeated through the death and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ and will soon be destroyed along with his angels. Satan will attempt to frustrate the work of God and so we agree to be alert of his devices, to stand with each other against him, and to free those held captive by him.

We believe that THE CHURCH is loved by God and is the gathering of His people through whom His Spirit works to bring good news of salvation, healing, hope, justice and compassion to the world, through word and deed. Each of us is called to ministry. Each of us is to engage in worship, fellowship and discipleship – to know God and make Him known. The Warwick Baptist Church is similar to most other Baptist churches and not unlike many other Christian churches. We value the fellowship and contribution of other Christians throughout the world and in Warwick, and seek to serve the whole Body of Christ as God enables us. However we are essentially committed to the local church, to do God’s will and we are striving for perfection on a journey together following our Master who offers abundant life in His Name.

Get In Touch With Us Today

Should you require further explanation contact us and let us know what is confusing. We would count it a privilege to assist.

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07 4661 7655

Warwick Baptist Church , Corner Guy & Percy St. Warwick OLD 4370 Australia

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