Pademelons Playtime

Pademelons Playtime is a morning of fellowship, friendship and fun for families in our church and community.

Our hope is that families will know Pademelons as a friendly and relaxed place where parents come to encourage and support one another and where we can inspire each other in our roles as mothers, fathers and carers.

We aim to create an environment where respect and kindness are the norm and where parents and children will feel valued, safe and special.



Pademelons Playtime follows a simple routine where we can provide a range of stimulating activities for young children to enjoy as they learn, play, explore and socialize.

9:15am – Setup

9:30am – Free play and craft

10:15am – Pack up time

10:25am – Story time

10:30am – Morning tea

10:45am – Music time

11:00am – Tidy/ clean up

11:15am – Home time

Tea/coffee and morning tea is supplied for parents.

When it’s your child’s birthday, you are welcome to bring in a cake to celebrate the occasion.

Before eating our morning tea, we say a simple grace;


“Thank you God for friends we meet and

for yummy food to eat. Amen”


Those who organise and plan activities for pademelons do so voluntarily. To make pademelons run smoothly, you can help by letting us know what area you would like to help in …

* Setting up

* Tidying & cleaning up

* Reading story

* Leading music time

* Morning tea & kitchen


The more help we have, the morning can run smoothly and makes it more enjoyable as there is no pressure or expectation on one person.


We ask if you or your child is unwell, have been vomiting,  had diarrhoea or cold/flu symptoms within the last 24hrs to stay at home and return when you are well.


Please remember:

You are responsible for the supervision and behavior of your child at all times whether

– outside the hall

– inside the hall

– at the toilets

– at morning tea

– during activities

Each time you attend pademelons, please remember to:

* Sign in each of the children in your care when you arrive

* Place money in tin

* Sign out each of the children in your care when you leave.

On your first visit to Pademelons you will be given a registration form for each child. You must complete and sign this form and return it to a team member when you next attend Pademelons.

If you as the parent are unable to attend Pademelons but wish a trusted friend or relative to bring your child, you must ensure that a Delegated Carer/ Guardian Form is completed. Without completion of this form, your child may not be permitted to attend Pademelons that day.

Pademelons is a non-smoking venue. 

 WBC Safe Spaces Safeguarding Policy

Pademelons Playtime is a ministry of Warwick Baptist Church. The church has adopted a WBC Safe Spaces Safeguarding Policy in an effort to facilitate the safety and well

being of you and your child.  Signing your children in and out each week is an important part of this process as is completing the personal and medical information form and the delegated care/ guardian form if required. Completed forms will be used in case of illness, accident or emergency, both in Pademelons hall and on any outings. Details from the form may also be used to produce a parent contact list. The church regards your information as strictly confidential and stores the forms appropriately. Only leaders of Pademelons and church administration will have access to your details. 


The cost of Pademelons is spent on craft materials, play equipment and toys, improvement of our facilities/resources, birthday bags, Christmas gifts and

morning tea supplies.

We thank you for your co-operation in helping to make Pademelons Playtime a great place for families to meet together.


Pademelons Playtime

A ministry of Warwick Baptist Church

Cnr Guy & Percy Streets

Warwick QLD

For any questions or information

Address: P.O Box 210

Warwick 4370

Church Ph: 4661 7655



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Should you require further explanation contact us and let us know what is confusing. We would count it a privilege to assist.

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07 4661 7655

Warwick Baptist Church , Corner Guy & Percy St. Warwick OLD 4370 Australia

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