
… I will praise the Lord with my whole heart …” Psalm 111:1

When we come to worship God, we have an audience of three:

God the Father, who delights in our praises of Him;
God the Son, Jesus Christ, who died and rose again that we might receive eternal life; and
God the Holy Spirit, who confirms in our spirit that we are children of the Living God.
Whether we are alone or in a small or large group

We worship Him for who He is

We praise God for what He has done

We exalt God in the eyes of other people

All Christians are called to honour God in thought, word and action. This is impossible without our full dependence upon the Holy Spirit and his welcome intervention in our everyday lives.

We express our adoration through serving each other, singing, playing music, leading services, setting rosters, preparing music folders, writing new songs, producing multimedia, and technically making sure everyone can see and hear clearly so we can all serve Him together.

Our aim is to present a contemporary music style, sensitive to the heart of Our Father and considerate of others.

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Should you require further explanation contact us and let us know what is confusing. We would count it a privilege to assist.

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07 4661 7655

Warwick Baptist Church , Corner Guy & Percy St. Warwick OLD 4370 Australia

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